How to Use the Selection Pane in PowerPoint

The most powerful features in PowerPoint are hidden in plain sight. When you stumble across one of these hidden features, it’s easy to wonder how you ever survived without it! The Selection Pane in PowerPoint is one of these powerful (and hidden) features.

How to Use the Selection Pane in PowerPoint

The Selection Pane lets you manage all the objects on your slide. With the Selection Pane, you can hide, rename, and change the stacking order of the individual objects on your slide. Check out my how-to video below and learn how to use the Selection Pane in PowerPoint.

How to Use the Selection Pane in PowerPoint

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Tim Slade
Tim Slade is a speaker, author, and award-winning freelance eLearning designer. Having spent the last decade working to help others elevate their eLearning and visual communications content, Tim has been recognized and awarded within the eLearning industry multiple times for his creative and innovative design aesthetics. Tim is a regular speaker at international eLearning conferences, is a recognized Articulate Super Hero, author of The eLearning Designer’s Handbook and creator of The eLearning Designer's Academy.

4 Responses to “How to Use the Selection Pane in PowerPoint

  • How ironic! I don’t use PPT much anymore but had to this morning… Some very busy slides; I had to check out YouTube to remember how to show the selection
    pane. An hour or two later, your video showed up…

    Cosmic, Tim, cosmic…

  • I learned something new tonight while watching game 4 of the NBA Finals – the Selection Pane!

    • Glad to hear it, Melody! Thanks for reading! I hope the Selection Pane makes your life just a little bit easier!

  • Jocelyn Flint
    5 years ago

    You are correct. This has changed the way I use PPT. Thank you!!

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