Download 250+ Free Stock Photos for eLearning
It’s not always easy to find stock photos for eLearning, especially when you’re working with a tight budget! Luckily, it’s becoming easier to find stock photos that are 100% free and can be used without any attribution. In a previous post, I shared my Top 10 Free Stock Photo Sites for eLearning, where you can find thousands of free photos you can download and use in any way you like.
To make things a little bit easier for you, I’ve gone ahead and curated over 250 of my favorite free stock photos for eLearning. Feel free to download these collections and use them in your next eLearning project! Once you’ve downloaded them, check out these 7 Tips for Using Stock Photos in eLearning. Enjoy!
60+ Free Computer Images for eLearning
The best stock photos for eLearning are the ones that are most versatile. These are photos that can have multiple meanings, depending on how they’re used. For example, stock photos with computers can be used to represent office work, creativity, graphic design, accounting, technology, or just about anything that involves a computer!
Here are over 60 of my favorite computer stock photos for eLearning!
40+ Free Team Photos for eLearning
When you want to add some personality to your eLearning course, it’s easy to insert a cutout character or avatar to your slide. However, cutout characters and avatars can get boring really quick! Sometimes, it’s nice to use a beautiful, high-quality stock image of people and teams working together.
Here are over 40 of my favorite team stock photos for eLearning!
100+ Free Hero Images for eLearning
Whenever I’m designing an eLearning course, I like to take inspiration from other types of design. I might get inspiration from a new app I’ve downloaded or even a new commercial on TV. Over the years, I’ve found myself pulling a lot of inspiration from modern web design.
One of the newest trends in modern web design is the “hero image.” A hero image is a large, high-quality image that dominates the front page of a website. Typically, hero images reflect the character or tone of the website’s brand.
Hero images aren’t just for websites! Hero images can also be used in eLearning! Here are over 100 of my favorite hero stock photos for eLearning!
40+ Free Office Images for eLearning
When designing an eLearning course, it always helps to have some go-to images of offices and workplaces. Whether used as a generic background or to represent an actual workplace, these types of images can help bring a sense of location or environment to your next eLearning course.
Here are over 40 of my favorite office stock photos for eLearning!
[…] https://timslade.com/blog/stock-photos-for-elearning/ https://timslade.com/blog/hero-images-for-elearning/ https://timslade.com/blog/office-images-for-elearning/ https://timslade.com/blog/computer-images-for-elearning/ https://timslade.com/blog/team-photos-for-elearning/ […]
[…] https://timslade.com/blog/stock-photos-for-elearning/ https://timslade.com/blog/hero-images-for-elearning/ https://timslade.com/blog/office-images-for-elearning/ https://timslade.com/blog/computer-images-for-elearning/ https://timslade.com/blog/team-photos-for-elearning/ […]