3 Reasons You Should Be Speaking at eLearning Conferences

This past week, I had the pleasure of speaking at the DevLearn Conference & Expo for the third year in a row. DevLearn is one of my favorite conferences to speak at and attend. Besides attending all of the great sessions, DevLearn is also an excellent opportunity to connect and network with others in the eLearning industry.

Speaking at eLearning Conferences

Ashley Chiasson, Tim Slade, and Alexander Salas at DevLearn 2016.

During my time at DevLearn this year, I had the pleasure of running into several of my fellow conference speakers, including Ashley Chiasson, Alexander Salas, and Diane Elkins. I also had the chance to meet many of the folks who graciously follow me online, including Kristin Peters, Miranda Lee, Bianca Woods, Owen Holt, and many others.

Over the years, as I’ve attended and spoke at numerous eLearning conferences, I’m always amazed at how much I’ve personally benefited from my attendance. Besides the benefits it has had to my career, speaking at eLearning conferences has also helped me build my network, my credibility, and my confidence.  

If you love attending eLearning conferences, but never mustered the courage to speak at one, here are three reasons you should be speaking at eLearning conferences!

1. Build Your Network

If you’ve never attended an eLearning conference before, it’s hard to explain the experience. In addition to the many sessions and expo booths, there are literally thousands of learning professionals in attendance. These people (sometimes potential clients or future employers) are looking to connect with other like-minded professionals, like yourself!

Speaking at eLearning Conferences

Nick Elkins, Tanya Seidel, and Tim Slade at Learning Solutions 2015.

Speaking at eLearning conferences offers you a great opportunity to build and expand your network. When you’re listed as a conference speaker, your name is published on the conference website and materials. This added visibility is free marketing for you and your “professional brand.” Even if you’re not looking for a job or new clients, it never hurts to expand your professional network.

Additionally, all of the eLearning conferences I’ve attended offer several opportunities for you to meet and network with others within the industry. I can confidently say that I’ve landed a few new clients and friends from these networking opportunities.

2. Build Your Credibility

When I first spoke at an eLearning conference, I felt incredibly unqualified to be selected as a speaker! Although this might be one of the reasons you’ve chosen not to submit a speaking proposal for an eLearning conference, most conferences reserve a number of spots for first-time speakers.

Speaking at eLearning Conferences

Tim Slade speaking at the 2016 ATD International Conference & Expo.

Speaking at eLearning conferences offers you the opportunity to build your credibility within the industry. The truth is, most eLearning conference attendees consist of folks who are very new to their roles, and that means you likely have something to share that can help those individuals.

Despite how unqualified you might feel inside, if you can help others by sharing your experiences, that makes you credible to the people you helped. The more people you can help, the more credible you become!

3. Build Your Confidence

In addition to feeling completely unqualified to be speaking at eLearning conferences, I was also incredibly nervous and insecure. It can be very daunting to stand up in front of others within your industry and share your knowledge and experiences!

Speaking at eLearning Conferences

Tim Slade speaking at DevLearn 2016.

Speaking at eLearning conferences offers you the opportunity to build your confidence. Whether you’re nervous about speaking in front of a crowd or sharing your knowledge with others, the more you push yourself into these situations, the more confident you will become. The truth is, I still get nervous when I’m about to speak at an eLearning conference! I have to remind myself that I have information that can help others become better at what they do. 

Speaking at eLearning conferences is a great way to build your network, your credibility, and your confidence. But that’s not all! Speaking at eLearning conferences is just plain fun! If you’ve yet to submit a speaking proposal for an upcoming eLearning conference, stop hesitating and just do it! You’ll be happy you did! 

Have you benefited from speaking at eLearning conferences? If so, share how by commenting below!

Additional Resources

If you’d like to learn about some of my upcoming events OR if you’d like me to speak at your event or organization, check out my Speaking & Events page to learn more.

Tim Slade
Tim Slade is a speaker, author, and award-winning freelance eLearning designer. Having spent the last decade working to help others elevate their eLearning and visual communications content, Tim has been recognized and awarded within the eLearning industry multiple times for his creative and innovative design aesthetics. Tim is a regular speaker at international eLearning conferences, is a recognized Articulate Super Hero, author of The eLearning Designer’s Handbook and creator of The eLearning Designer's Academy.

2 Responses to “3 Reasons You Should Be Speaking at eLearning Conferences

  • Jeanne Bernui
    8 years ago

    Thanks for the motivation, Tim! (…and I’ve already bought my domain name and started on my first blog post!) I know I’m not the only one who appreciates you sharing your time and talents.

    • I’m super happy to hear that, Jeanne! Best of luck and please come back and share a link to your website and blog! I’d love to see it!

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