Check Out My New eLearning Portfolio
When I decided a few months ago to redesign TimSlade.com and become a full-time freelance eLearning designer, I knew that I would need to invest a significant amount of time updating and designing a new eLearning portfolio. This is not to say that I didn’t have an eLearning portfolio previously; it was just severely outdated and didn’t showcase my best work.
Being that my eLearning portfolio will now play a much more significant role in my success, I realized I simply couldn’t afford to not put my best foot forward! Having a strong and diverse portfolio is key to attracting and landing new clients.
So, I wanted to write this post to share with you my new eLearning portfolio and give you a sense of my intention behind the design. Enjoy!
My Work
When I first started thinking about designing my new eLearning portfolio, I knew I wanted to showcase a diverse sampling of my work. While my primary goal was to display my eLearning work, I also have a large collection of samples that aren’t eLearning related. This includes graphic design, video, animation, and presentation design work.
My biggest challenge in pulling together examples of my best work was digging through 10+ years of my past projects. I’ve always been honest about the fact that I’ve maintained copies of almost every project I’ve ever worked on for the last decade, and I encourage you to do the same if you can! You never know when you might want or need to take a trip down memory lane.
While I’m still working to pull together several examples of work, I ended up with a strong collection, showcasing a large variety of my projects, clients, and skills.
My Design
My second priority in designing my new eLearning portfolio was the layout and design of each portfolio item. While I wanted to put a lot of focus on showcasing the finished product of each example, I also wanted to include something that would let my prospective clients see the example “in action.” While it would have been great to simply link to a working version of each example, most clients don’t care for that.
Instead, I opted to produce a series of short video reels, which I used to emphasize the functionality of each eLearning example. Not only is this a fun and exciting way to showcase the functionality of each example, it also helps to demonstrate my video and animation abilities as well!
My Skills
My third and final priority in designing my new eLearning portfolio was to provide additional details about each example. It’s always been my belief that a good portfolio should help a prospective client understand what the project was about, who you worked with, and what skills and software you used to complete the project.
I’ve always appreciated the way Cath Ellis includes additional details in her portfolio examples, and so I decided to do something similar—I created a layout that put additional emphasis on the details of each project, which I think adds valuable context to each example.
So, What Do You Think?
Interested in Hiring Me?
Did you like what you saw in my new eLearning Portfolio? If so, hire me for your next eLearning project OR to facilitate a hands-on eLearning workshop! Learn more about all of my eLearning services below!
Looks fantastic Tim. Love your videos 🙂
Thanks, Cath! I have to be honest, looking at your website and portfolio over the last several months is what pushed me to finally get mine updated!
Nice job, Tim! Certainly looks better than mine:
Congrats on your foray into Freelance land! i was reticent participant until April 2018. I found you when I clicked on my # elearning tag in Linkedin (https://www.linkedin.com/feed/hashtag/elearning/) which got me here, because I too have outdated samples (that I do have working samples of , but DON’T have a proper portfolio (just a pdf with descriptions and links). I was wondering if you could describe HOW you made your updated e-portfolio? Looks like you’re using WordPress? Any particular plugins make your portfolio posting easier/ less painful? THANKS! (ps. upcoming DevLearn is #6 for me 🙂 )